I count "10" who are "all-in". If that's the case (&, of course, "what" we wind up building) we will have 100 numbers @ $7.50 each from which to choose. If everybody gets in for "10" numbers, the price of the knife will be reached. Sometimes the builds offer less options in finality...sometimes more..."SO"...the estimate is "only that.
...........ROLL CALL VOTE..............
A) Sounds pricey, Captain, not interested
B) Go For It!

...*NOTE: If you are a club member and want to participate, you can qualify for numbers also..."BUT"...Ya' have to participate. Let me hear from you.
Stay Sharp,
Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com