OK CREW: Let us begin. Before we work on "specifics" maybe we should should get a majority vote on "what kind" of Randall we arr going to build. Talk, thus far, seems to lean towards a hunting knife of some kind..."BUT"...(Got that out of the way early)...there are many who don't "hunt, fish, camp, etc...
Here's some "classifications" for us to choose from: (& naturally there are many crossovers)

A) Hunting
B) Fishing
C) Camping
D) Utility
E) Culinary
F) Military
G) Other (& please specify)

ROLL CALL VOTE: Let's hear from ya'
Stay Sharp,
Capt. Chris
Capt.Chris Stanaback
RKS #016
NRA Lifetime Member
WEBSITE: www.captstanaback.com