Knife Enthusiast
Registered: 11/16/05
Posts: 2854
Crutchtip, Couldn't Big Jims knife on ebay also be dated by the "original" gold paracords. I have heard that they were only used for a few years in the early 70s still Viet Nam era but later. This would dovetail with the 5 spacer comments by Tune earlier.
Sure, it probably is early 70's and it is a custom spacer arrangement, so I wouldn't hold to the 'standards' with this one.
I think when the Capt. made the comment you quoted the original knife in question was thought to be mid 60s.
Thought to be from the mid 60's by whom?
By the way Big Jim I have looked at your knife on ebay numerious times even came real close to "pushing the key" on that one. It would really complete a set of gold cords that I have with rivited JRBs (a crutchtip, astro, #15 and #14)
Then by all means you absolutely should "push the key" !!