SGT Eldridge, the file size of each of your photos is too large for the photos to post. You need to reduce each photo's file size. The total file size of the three was nearly 4 MB.
If you're using your smartphone to transmit the photos, email them to yourself. The prompt will ask you for your chosen file size. Each photo should be no larger than 500kb, so the three together should not exceed 1.5 MB in total. After you have emailed each them to you, drag them out of the message, and put them in a marked file folder. Then, when you are ready to "publish them", just indicate the photo you are using and post it into the File Manager. These three now total less than 500kb.
The alternative is to use a phone photo editing app like Google's Snapseed, a free app.
Some of my learned geek friends here may have an easier method. Hope so.
Here are yours....


Buck Buchanan, RKCC #CM-16, RKS #1003
Authorized Randall Dealer