I posted this knife before on some thread but for the life of me I can't remember where. Anyway, this is another reason to post your knives in Knife Of The Week so they can be found. The original configuration of this 5-5 had just a plain stag handle and for all accounts was pretty much a stock knife with a nice fat stag handle. So one day I sent it to the shop for a face-lift and had finger grips, a thong hole and a compass installed. When it came back, I honestly thought they sent me the wrong knife. A total transformation that made a just an OK looking Randall into something really slick. These are some options I recommend if you're a little tired of one that you might have, and to dress it up a bit for just a fraction of a new knife cost.


63449-Model5-5d(Large).jpg (483 downloads)

Edited by Warren_Polidori (07/02/09 05:20 PM)