Every now and then really nice things happen in life like.......a genuinely good-hearted, kind soul appreciating some things that I have done for her over the years; enough so that she absolutely shocked me with this #19 as a "gift of appreciation".....no other reason. She has, of course, known of my appreciation of truly outstanding knives(& Randalls in particular) but had no idea of what knives/ Randalls I own/don't own/want, etc.; could not have chosen any better even if I'd listed what I wanted as the #19 with stag is absolutely on my long "some day I hope to buy......" list, BUT, is this stag outstanding or what??!! Truly, there are some tough times in life when amazing kindnesses really do more than just the gift itself and this is one of those times. AND, thanks Randall guys and ladies for producing such incredible works of art that are also so outstanding in doing what they are made to do!! I know #19 is really too large (especially compared to Grandpa's CASE, which will also go with me in my pocket in a couple weeks-like usual) BUT, my Spring Gobbler will meet this blade!




Edited by Duke (03/15/14 11:42 AM)
Southwest VA