Darren, If you email your pictures to me at
silverknife1@aol.com I will post them for you. Your six year old can probably explain how to do it better than I can but if you want, send me your phone number by PM and I will try to walk you though it. It's really not that hard.
The knife was designed by GTR (Gary T. Randall). Why are there are not too many for sale? My guess would be that once you get one and either use it or just look at it you don't want to give it up.
Why available only in stainless? That's an easy one, and as a father of a six year old you have heard this one before, or even used it. BECAUSE !

Thanks for the compliments on the knives. OF course the kudos belong to GTR for designing it, the artisans in the shop who build them, and of course the gifted scrimsahnders and engravers who embellish them.
Regards, Doug