Very nice work Lucky. Very NIce.

I've been doing them for a while for my family although I did sell one a few months back to a guy on the Forum who then promptly resold it on eBay for a profit. Unfortunately I had not etched my initials and serial number on it so you know that sooner or later it is going to be offered on eBay or somewhere else as an "unusual" Randall knife. I will NEVER do that again.

All of the other triathletes or #10's I put ivory scales on for friends of family have been etched except that one.

RICK BOWLES did the puma scrimshaw on this one which I frequently carry as a utility knife, Greg gutcher did a way cool snake skin pouch sheath for it.

This one I made for Pete Hamilton before I spent a week with him and his lovely wife Betty at their home in Havana after he retired from the Randall Shop. Many of us were introduced to Randall Made Knives through his warm outgoing willingness to spend time with just about anyone who walked into the shop and wanted to talk Randalls.

Pete told me that a lot of people who looked at all of the knives in the cases (those were the good old days) used to ask if sheaths came with them. He told me that most of time he answered "no you have to carry them in your pocket." He was a great kidder, some would say "wise ass." Either way, he is sorely missed.

This is the first one I ever did. The scrimshaw of the Snowy Owl was also done by Rick Bowles.

Images Copyright© 2008 All Rights Reserved
Scrimshaw Copyright© 2008 Rick Bowles All Rights Reserved

Regards, Doug
Doug a/k/a/ Silverknife
NRA Life Member