Thanks for the compliments. From this crowd of that's high praise indeed.
Guido, I'm betting the one you have is Gene Beal's work. He's sold a bunch of them and uses thin pieces of ivory. I prefer using thicker scales and then sculpting them to fit the hand. Also, the only one I ever did that didn't have my initials and a serial number on it and that didn't go to a friend or family member as a gift was in fossil walrus. One dark side and one light side, just the way it was found in the ground. Like I said they guy who bought it sold it few weeks later for a profit but I think he made a mistake. Haven't seen any one do a fossil walrus triathlete and they were pretty nice scales. Oh well, to each his own.
Dubie-Florida geography is not my forte but I know that when I visited Pete and Betty at their retirement home it was in a little town called Havana a few miles off Route 10 and not very far North of Tallahassee. I'm sure it was Havana not HaYvana.
Regards, Doug