
When the out-of-towners (usually yankees) start invading, the personality is lost.

Dubie, Not to hijack this thread, but do you realize how you sound when you express hatred or dislike for so many different groups of people for totally absurd reasons like where their mother happened to be living on the day they were born? Did you ever tell Pete and Betty that they were destroying the charachter of Florida and should move back to PA?

If I am not mistaken you sell real estate? Do you refuse to sell property to people who are not Florida Crackers?

By the way, in 1845 when Florida became a state, the population was approximately 140,000. Of these, 63,000 were African Americans, most of whom were slaves. So if your ancestors were actually in Florida when it became a state, which of course is highly doubtful, there is a 45% chance that they were black, and of course if your ancestors were not Seminoles or members of one of the other Native American tribes...well, you get my point.

Regards, Doug
Doug a/k/a/ Silverknife
NRA Life Member