well my two cents isnt worth much but in my opinion those whose families sacrificed what they had and moved to Florida when Florida wasnt such a popular place, say when there werent such things as mosquito and flood control and that wonderful invention of air conditioning Those people should be held in high regard. They didnt just up and move here when there was a publix or super walmart on every corner. Times were tuff and they were the ones who paved the way for the people that enjoy and take for granted the beautiful state we live in today. Its kinda like that old verse respect your elders. Maybe if the newbies, call them yankees, call them snowbirds didnt act like they owned the state and everything in it and are entitled to everything they wouldnt be tainted with such negative connotations. Again JMHO PS my mothers family was from AL And my fathers from IN. But both came here when i promise Florida wasnt such a friendly place. Sorry to HiJack as well.