Thanks Keven for spearheading the Christmas Knife again this year!
Thanks Rick for conceptualizing and initiating the Randall Knife Society Special Fighter program! I know our Heroes in the war zone appreciate the boxes of snacks, hygiene supplies, movies and books you guys make possible. Sometimes I selfishly think I get more out of being the "Mule Skinner" on this project than the recipients. The fund is holding up well and is actually growing faster than I can send out the boxes.
Keven has ask that the recipient of he Christmas knife be kept anonymous until after the knife has been presented as not to inadvertently spoil the surprise.
I can reveal that he is a Sergent Major and a 25 year member of the Marine Corp. He soon will be starting his third tour in the war zone. He is the recipient of the Silver Star, the Bronze Star with V for Valor, the Navy and Marine Corp Commendation Medal with four stars, and the Combat Action Ribbon with one star.
This may give it away but I can't keep it to myself. The Sgt. Maj. is featured in Col. Oliver North's book "American Heroes: In the Fight Against Radical Islam". I also know for a fact that he has Ollie's cell phone number on his speed dial.