Our connection hasn't worked lately, phone is out too, and haven't been able to get the site to load. This problem usually happens every year for some reason. I'll track it down when I get time and see if I can locate the problem. If not we'll call a service guy to fix it. So if you don't hear back from me for a few days you'll know I'm not ignoring you but just not able to reply.
I cooked some ducks last night on the grill... yes I actually did the prep work and cooking this time.

I normally don't cook just because I don't like it, but decided to give it a try this time. Anyway, a little GTR Special breasted the ducks and cut up pieces that we froze from last season. The seasoning I used I got out of a cook book, and was salt, garlic, thyme, oregano, allspice, and pepper all mixed together and then rubbed into the meat. I used a hinged grilling basket to hold the meat while cooking but one of the hearts fell through and lost it to the flames.

The flavor was really nice!
Here are some pics...