I would like to thank Captain Chris for getting the new forum started. And I would like to thank Rhett for allowing us to do this.
I enjoy all aspects of hunting. And when I say "all aspects of hunting" I mean getting prepared, wearing scent-free clothes (if needed), pre-season scouting, going to the duck blind, goose pit, or deer stand in the dark, placing out the decoys, watching the dogs work for ducks and geese and pheasant. I anticipate the joys that the first morning light will bring as the woods or marsh comes alive once again.
I always process my own game whether it be white tail, duck, goose, squirrel, rabbit, etc. because for me that's all part of the entire experience.
I now hunt with a longbow. I started out with a Bear recurve and went on to a couple of different compound bows. And now I'm back to basics with a longbow. I made a couple of flintlock rifles, and that's what I hunt deer and squirrel with.
I always have a Randall knife with me in the field. And if I'm hunting squirrel, I take a great pocket knife made for me by Tony Bose.
I hope we all have a lot of fun on this forum. And I'm looking forward to you all sharing your hunting experiences with us. And I will share mine too.
Thank you very much, and it's a pleasure to be here.
Genesis 27:3