For me it's 2 lucky grand boys, or maybe one lucky grand boy, or maybe Pap and Memaw and no grand boys until we croak and then they get them all anyway. Haven't decided yet, but they will be users. I don't have many safe queens. Randalls were made to be used; the hardest thing is to decide which one to use. I got up at 5am mountain time and dialed for 30 minutes straight, then went back to sleep. Woke up at 7:30 and dialed 4 times and got Gary. Poor guy had a cold to boot, so he put his time in for sure. We talked a minute or so about retirement. He and I both said we were having too much fun to retire just now, plus I need the extra money for more Randalls!!

Mike Allen
True West Magazine Maniac
Randall Collector
Behring Made Collector
Ruana Collector
Glock Fan
NRA- Life Member since 1975