I'm a little confused on using customer supplied material and how many options it uses. For example, on a #1 knife, say 7", which normally comes with stacked leather handle, if I order that knife with shop-supplied Ironwood, then I know that it will use one of my 5 chargeable options. However, if I find a nice piece of burl-wood to use, does that cost me only one or is it two options? Is it one option for the customer supplied material, and another option to switch from leather to wood?

The same question for using real silver spacers from silverknife. Is it one option to switch to metal spacers and another to use customer furnished material?

What would the factory costs be for the two options above?

Cum catapultae proscriptae erunt tum soli proscript catapultas habebunt.
(When catapults are outlawed, only outlaws will have catapults)