Originally Posted By: smchop
So I was thinking of doing something like this for my tri athlete but want a G10 material on the handle and kydex sheath and use it for EDC. Anyone got any leads as to where I could send it and have all that taken care of? Thanks.

I'm new here, but I think this is allowed since you are asking for a modification. In my opinion, this request is tailor-made for Tom Krein. I had him do something similar for me a couple years ago. Recently, he has been putting handles on Spyderco Mules for a number of people. And his kydex is second to none.


The knife on the bottom of this picture used to be a plain steel model just like the one two above it:

Sheaths from Tom:

For what it's worth, Tom got his start working for Bob Dozier and AG Russell.
