Here's my GTR Special.
I bought it thinking that it would be smaller than my #5-4 and would fit in my pocket better, but this one seems to be unusually long for a GTR. The blade is 3 3/4" and the OAL is 8 3/8". The OAL for my #5-4 is 8 7/16" so they are very close in size.
This GTR has a nice long handle which fits my hand well, and it has a choil big enough to be comfortable for my finger. It will make a fine user. That is, if I do decide to use it. I haven't made up my mind. It slices better than my #5-4, so it would be better for anything involving food prep or dressing game. But I prefer the #5-4 for general utility 'Camp and Trail' purposes.
The #5 carries it's weight in the middle, making the blade extra strong. The GTR, as you can see in the photo, has more steel along the spine. It retains it's thickness nearly the entire length of the blade. It's very strong too, of course, but I would bet the #5-4 is stronger and better suited to hard use. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
The GTR is a great looking little knife with it's Model 3 curves. Paired with the straight Bowie-style blade of the #5-4, they would make a great matched set.



RKS #2911