I appreciate some moderation, in every respect, here.
As for the photo of the fish and bar knife and book together, my favorite things to have are the letters from owners or friends, or just as fun, the knife as featured in a publication, or even a knife by someone who also published a book, all as matched tidy sets.....makes for great displays, and far better also than even slicker photos with now quite predictable props. More info packed in the photo, I guess?

Thanks for the knife/book shot, anyhow, and I actually love the knife. It truly strikes me as something which would have struck me as a good idea at the time, simple, rugged, pommel I could pound with, rust resistant, decent size, etc. Also, if other stuff sold out due to pressure, and that knife maybe not selling well and some just sitting there, could see pals ending up with one, as well....so, a good knife to "imagine the possibilities", as no denying the potential is there.