Hi, I'm new to the forum and thought I'd throw a couple of my knives on here for comments. I bought them last year from an aquaintance who said he bought them new in 1969. Since I knew the white Norton stones came out around then, I knew they were vintage knives. I bought them as an investment and plan to hang on to them for a while at least. One of the knives is an unsharpened, unused Model 12-8 with roughback sheath. The other is a Model 2-7 that has been sharpened, with the roughback sheath. Both knives were stored in their sheaths, but are still in pretty nice conditon. So based on the stones, sheaths and five spacer pattern, does it look to you guys like these knives are roughly from around 1969 or soon after? Also does anybody have any idea what kind of wood the handles are? Maybe mahogany?
Thanks for any comments!