I don't drink. A "5th" starter set in the series, that is...The Randall Model #5, Camp & Trail...!!! I do believe that as many forum members like this catalog model as any other, so I expect some great input from you guys. Don't dissapoint me!
Let's begin with an overview of this terrific model. The Model #5 is available in 5 blade lengths, the most of any model! The 5-4" is forged from 3/16" stock. The 5,6,7 & 8" varieties are forged from 1/4" stock. Carbon or stainless are both doable for this build, but I think we should limit our choices to the 1/4" stock knives. We can always follow up with the smaller model at a later date.
Leather handles are the norm and no additional charge for the 1/4" stock models. Thung notches are also standard so we have the base from which to start.
Let me hear from you folks. Being as this series is concentrating on a good "starter" set (or possible "user") I would hope that we can limit the options to 2 or 3. What do ya'll think?
Best, Capt. Chris
Edited by Captain Chris Stanaback (01/27/12 05:32 PM)